Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Problems

Air quality is improving, but more work needs to be done. Scientists now believe that some problems are more serious than they first thought. For example, researchers are studying harmful effects of acid rain. When some emissions from factories and cars mix with sunlight and vapor in the air, they change into acidic compounds. These compounds can travel long distances in the air. Then they can fall to earth with rain, snow or dust. When they fall on lakes, they can turn the water acidic, like vinegar. In some lakes, all the fish died because the water became so acidic.

Another problem scientists are learning more about is indoor air pollution. The air inside your house may be more polluted than the air around a factory! Indoor air pollution can come from oven fumes, hair spray, cigarette smoke, insect sprays, fingernail polish, carpet cleaners and other ordinary household products. Even the dirt and rocks around a house can cause pollution if they contain radon. Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in some soil. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless, but some scientists believe it causes lung cancer.

Sometimes the simplest cure for indoor air pollution is just to open a few windows. More complicated methods may involve installing exhaust fans or plugging up holes in a house foundation so radon cannot seep through.

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